About Vision
Vision Coaching founder Dave Veale started his coaching career in 2005 with a crystal-clear vision. That same vision has been embraced by an ever-growing and passionate group of executive coaches and partners who have helped grow Vision Coaching into a coaching company with one of the most diverse and credible coaching rosters in North America.
Dave Veale
Founder & CEO
Our Vision
At Vision Coaching, we envision a world that values and is transformed by creative, resilient and compassionate leadership. We work with leaders who are committed to taking risks, who have the courage to lead by example, who think big and who make things happen.
We facilitate this transformation through coaching, teaching coaching skills, and using a coach approach to build leadership capacity. We do this to enhance the core leadership competencies that already exist in you, your team and your organization.
Coaching is Leadership in Action
Coaching is one of the fundamental skills of leadership. Effective coaching is inspiring, motivating, challenging; it builds confidence, provides actionable feedback and unleashes creativity and talent. It is leadership in action.
– The CEO Refresher

Meet our Leadership and Support Team
Our Leadership and Support Team shares a vision for developing strong leaders. They have a great balance of experience, credentials, and passion.